Why Face2Face?

We have a UK network of fully screened and trained professional field representatives. To ensure the security of your customers, all our representatives carry a photographic identification badge.

  • We cover the whole of the UK and N. Ireland, including remote Scottish Islands.
  • We can cover appointments from 8.30am-8.30pm, 7 days per week
  • You will have your own log in for our on-line website to instruct an appointment and access to Management Information so you have the benefit of monitoring the progress of your case
  • Our on-line booking system is updated “Real Time” and as soon as a case status has been changed you will receive an email to advise.
  • We have a Customer Service Team who are available from 8am-8pm
  • Our Customer Service Team will deal directly with any customer objections, however any unresolved issues or refusals to sign will be communicated to a nominated person whilst the representative is still on site
  • A dedicated Account Manager can work with you to tailor a package or service suited to your individual needs if required